The headquarter of OSMA is situated in Yaounde following the memorandum of understanding signed by the Cameroon Government and OSMA. Cameroon was represented by the Minister of External Relations while OSMA was represented by Colonel Kalkaba Hamad Malboum the then President of OSMA. According the this agreement the Cameroon Government pledged to host the headquarter of the Organisation in Yaounde. This headquarters is situated in the heart of the city of Yaounde and attached to the Ministry of Defense edifice. It a gorgeous building that habours the OSMA GENERAL secretariat. It was innaugurated on the 7th of March 2010 by the Honorable Minister of Defence H.E. Alain Edgar Mebe Ngo'o. The OSMA Secretariat began operation as from this date.
OSMA President
Lt-Col DJENDOLA Pierre
OSMA Secretary General
OSMA Vice - President
OSMA Treasurer
On the high orders of the OSMA President the Interim Treasurer of OSMA Colonel Major Ibrahima Diabate from Mali paid a five days working visit to the OSMA General Secretariat in Yaounde. Top on the Agenda was the auditing of the financial records of OSMA for the year 2017 and the running expenses incured at the Headquarters. He scrutinised all the 2017 income and the expenses and at the end of this excersise he drew a balance sheet which was in all positive. A report was written which was handed to the OSMA President who received it with satisfaction
The OSMA President Colonel KABRE DAVID From Burkina Faso, paid a contact visit at the OSMA Headquarters on his way from Brazzaville Congo where he held talk with the Congolese military Authorities in relation to the hosting to the first Edition of the African Military Basketball Championship. The New President Elected during the 5th OSMA General Assembly in Eritrea had the opportunity to commune with the OSMA Secretarial Staff who spared no efforts to grant him a hilarious welcome. He visited all the infrastructures put at the disposal of OSMA by the Cameroon Authorities and held talks with the Staff.
The official headquarters of OSMA is situation in YAOUNDE-CAMEROON where it harbours the General Secretariat. It is the permanent executive and administrative body and is manned by the Secretary General. The General Secretariat is composed of military personnel, detached by member nations at their own expense, and civilian employees, paid from the OSMA budget.The Secretariat is Subdivided into departements; The Department of General Affaires, The Department of Public Relations, the Department Protocol and The Department of Secretariat experties and Archives. Below are the Officers that animate the General Secretariat and their respective functions.
Name &Surname | Attributions | Contact | |
The Secretary General of OSMA Lieutenant Colonel DJENDOLA Pierre who was recently elected during the 5th OSMA General Assembly in Asmara Eritrea, was given an uphill task to undertake consultations with member countries for the fulfilment of the activities registered on OSMA Calendar of Activities. It is in this regards that Lt-col DJENDOLA Pierre, the OSMA secretary General undertoke to visit the embassies of some member countries present here in Yaounde. In the course of this tour, the SG had the opportunity to be received in audience by the following ambassies:
As a result of this tours the Secretary General proudly secured the hosting of the following activities inscribed in the OSMA Calendar